
in the poem "the raven," what information does the poet withhold from the reader to create suspense?

Depicting Literary Elements in "The Raven"

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for The Raven

The Raven Literary Elements

Activity Overview

When teaching Poetry, it is often helpful to refresh or introduce students with technical words. Terms like 'metaphor', 'simile', 'stanza', 'alliteration', 'personification', 'rhyme scheme', and 'onomatopoeia' are a few important terms.

After you have read the poem ask your students to do a scavenger hunt using the storyboard creator. Give them the list again and have them create a storyboard that depicts and explains the use of each literary element in the poem! They will have an absolute blast and earn mastery of the words when they are completed. Check out the example storyboard above!

Six Literary Elements that Poe uses in The Raven

Alliteration Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words in a sentence or line "While I pondered weak and weary"
Simile A comparison using 'like' or 'as' "Suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping"
Metaphor An implied comparison between two things "And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor"
Personification Giving human-like characteristics to non-human objects or abstract ideas "[T]he Raven, sitting lonely [...] spoke only, That one word, as if his soul [...] he did outpour."
Onomatopoeia The spelling of a word mimics the sound it represents "...and so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door"
Assonance The repetition of a vowel sound "rustling of each purple curtain, Thrilled me—filled me"

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Create a storyboard that shows five or more examples of literary elements in The Raven.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Identify use of literary elements in the text.
  3. Put the type of literary element in the title box.
  4. Give an example from the text in the description box.
  5. Illustrate the example using using a combination of scenes, characters, and items.

Lesson Plan Reference

Grade Level 6-12

Difficulty Level 3 (Developing to Mastery)

Type of Assignment Individual or Partner

Type of Activity: Figurative Language

Common Core Standards

  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/6/4] Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone
  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/7/4] Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama
  • [ELA-Literacy/L/6/6] Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
Literary Elements - 5 Cell Spider

Literary Elements Rubric

Create a storyboard that shows different literary elements from the story.

Proficient Emerging Beginning

Identification of Literary Elements

All literary elements are correctly identified.

Most literary elements are correctly identified.

Few literary elements are correctly identified.


Illustrations show attention to the details of the story and demonstrate connection to the literary elements.

Illustrations demonstrate connection to the literary elements.

Illustrations show little connection to the literary elements.

Description of Literary Elements

Descriptions clearly explain what the literary elements do to enhance the story.

Most descriptions tell what the literary elements do to enhance the story.

Descriptions are unrelated to the literary elements.

Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and grammar is mostly accurate. Mistakes do not get in the way of understanding.

Spelling is very inaccurate and hinders full understanding.

Text is very difficult to understand.

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in the poem "the raven," what information does the poet withhold from the reader to create suspense?


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