
Mathematics For Liberal Arts I Section 1.1 Answers

Math in Society

A survey of mathematics for the liberal arts major

Math in Society is a free, open textbook. This book is a survey of contemporary mathematical topics, most non-algebraic, appropriate for a college-level quantitative literacy topics course for liberal arts majors. The text is designed so that most chapters are independent, allowing the instructor to choose a selection of topics to be covered. Emphasis is placed on the applicability of the mathematics. Core material for each topic is covered in the main text, with additional depth available through exploration exercises appropriate for in-class, group, or individual investigation. This book is appropriate for Washington State Community Colleges' Math 107.

The current version is 2.5, released Dec 2017.

Chapter Edition 2 Video Playlist
Whole book PDF
Buy on Amazon
Buy on Lulu
Front Matter DOC PDF
Problem Solving DOC PDF Playlist
Voting Theory DOC PDF Playlist
Weighted Voting DOC PDF Playlist
Apportionment DOC PDF Playlist
Fair Division DOC PDF Playlist
Graph Theory DOC PDF Playlist
Scheduling DOC PDF Playlist
Growth Models DOC PDF Playlist
Finance DOC PDF Playlist
Statistics DOC PDF Playlist
Describing Data DOC PDF Playlist
Probability DOC PDF Playlist
Sets DOC PDF Playlist
Historical Counting Systems DOC PDF Playlist
Fractals DOC PDF Playlist
Cryptography DOC PDF Playlist
Solutions to Selected Exercises DOC PDF

Online homework for most chapters of this text are available for (for Washington State faculty) and (for everyone else).

Instructors: If you decide to use some or all of this book with your classes, please send me an email letting me know, so I can have some idea if people are finding it useful.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

This license means that you have full permission to modify the text to your liking, have it printed, and use it in your classes. The only requirements are that you include attribution to the original authors, and make your changes available with the same permissions. If you are going to use printed copies without modifications, it is appreciated if you order through, or Amazon, which contributes a small amount to the maintenence of this work.

This text is intended to be a growing, collaborative work. Contributions of additional chapters, exercises, and extended projects or investigations are welcome. Please email the maintainer with any contributions.

In the past, I had individually editioned each chapter. Beginning with the second edition of the book, I will now be changing the edition of the whole book at once when changes are made. There will likely be sub-editions (like 2.1) with typo fixes but no major page/exercise number changes.

The older first edition of this book is still available in print or online.

Creation of this text was supported, in part, by the Transition Math Project and the Open Course Library.

Photo credit: Lauren Manning

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Mathematics For Liberal Arts I Section 1.1 Answers


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